TWO Bahamian potcakes and one Australian Shepherd travelled to the Savannah Dog Training Club's Annual Obedience Trials and excelled in their novice obedience events.
The dogs owned by Lynn Gape of the Bahamas National Trust, Amanda Meyers and Tonya Gay qualified in four of the six entered events and were in the top four of almost every trial.
The trials were held on June 26 and 27 in Savannah, Georgia, with over 250 dogs entered in obedience trials throughout the weekend.
The trip was the first for the Nassau Agility and Obedience Dog Club (NAODC) members who have been training in canine obedience for more than ten years.
"We were very proud of our dogs", said Ms Gape. "It was great to travel to a US, show and do well."
Ms Meyers and Ms Gay were especially pleased with the results as this is the first time that the American Kennel Club (AKC) has allowed mixed breeds or potcakes to enter in AKC sanctioned obedience trials. "We were especially proud of Whyle Coyote and Foxy," said Ms Gape, "as each of these dogs took first place in obedience and rally events."
For the three owners it was especially gratifying for the dogs to have done so well.
Both Whyle Coyote and Foxy were unwanted puppies found in the bush, and Chloe, the Australian Shepherd, was a rescue dog who was unwanted by her original owners.
According to Ms Gay, the group's trainer: "Potcakes are very smart and loyal, and with proper training they can become excellent obedience dogs."
"These girls and their dogs took the trials by storm. They wiped out the trophies and ribbons in Novice A Obedience, Rally Novice and made a great showing in Graduate Novice Classes," said Carol Mett, Savannah show organiser and AKC Obedience Judge.
"They all qualified in out-of-sight downs with obedience rings running on both sides of their ring. They also won high scoring potcake trophies and high scoring Australian Shepherd in Rally and Novice Obedience."
According to Ms Mett, the NAODC has improved tremendously since she first met them over 10 years ago.
"They are serious about their training and I was very proud of the trainers and their dogs at the trials".
The NAODC members train on a weekly basis and offer beginner and advanced obedience classes throughout the year and hold one independent obedience trial annually. The group is sanctioned by the Bahamas Kennel Club which is recognised by the AKC as the official breed register for the Bahamas.
The NAODC receives support from Bahamas Wholesale Agencies, agents for Purina who have supported their annual trials for the last three years.
from The Tribune.
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